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Wim, OS4S on CR-001


Στις 9-8-2015 ο Wim ενεργοποίησε την κορυφή του Ψηλορείτη και μας έστειλε την αναφορά που ακολουθεί:


On 09/08/2015 I was on Timios Stravos. I did some operation on 20m.
Unfortunately not as long as I wanted because the weather turned bad.
I worked as SV9/OS4S/P

Here are the stations I worked

S57ET 8u51 gmt
LZ3SM 8u56
UT0LS 8u56
IW0BET 8u59
IZ0ARL 9u03
I0KHY 9u04

Below some pictures from that day.

Kind regards,



Περισότερες φωτογραφίες: CR-001

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